And because technology is constantly evolving, educators need to keep abreast of new products, new programs, new systems that can help improve and assist student learning. A helpful resource is Classroom Aid.
Classroom Aid's website is a user friendly and easy to navigate site for educators seeking to incorporate technology in their lesson plans or desire to expand their technology skills. One can choose to view Free Teacher Development, Technology Resources, or Educational Apps. Play and Learn offers samples of Learning Games, Games Based Learning, and Game Building Resources. Free Educational Resources is broken down into classroom subjects and Multimedia Resources where the link to TeacherTube offers more instructional and self-help videos.
Classroom Aid also links to (under Free Downloads on Teacher Development), where one can read about current events and special reports on educational technology and its impact on teachers and students.
The Home Page also rotates current sites of related interests with such titles as "Learning Like Spock in Star Trek" and "If Steve Jobs Designed the Education System."
Here is a video about Google Glasses found under "Field Trip." Currently available only to developers (at $1500 each), not only an exciting new social multi-media tool, Google Glasses will also allow students to access information, past or real-time, anytime and anywhere. This is where the future of education is headed.